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  • ALIX |
  • Florien |
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  • The Obstacles. Poverty in Rwanda is still significant; around 39% of the population lives below the poverty line.
    One contributing factor is that Rwanda suffers from a poor education system where only 68% of first-graders end up completing all six years of primary education.

  • key statistics :

    • 39 % population under poverty line in Rwanda

    • 75% of youth attend outside restaurants

    • youth spend much time on social media

    • 1 out three youth takes uses social media in a day

    • The population of Rwamagana district is 318,000 and about 53% are aged 19 years or younger. People aged 65 years and above make up 4%. The majority of the population is young, with about 82% still under 40 years of age (NISR, 2010).

How should we fight against the poverty in youth from rural-urban areas of Rwanda-Eastern Province, Rwamagana District?

  • Youth unemployment rate in Rwanda increased to 30.90% in the second quarter of 2021 from 21.70 percent in the first quarter of 2021.(NISR, 2021)
  • Rwanda has 13.11 millions , where 50.8% are female,49.2% are males and 17.5% live in urban areas,while 82.55 live in rural areas.(NISR, 2021)
  • 4.12 millions of Rwandans use internet ,the number of social media users are 6.5% of total Rwandan population(NISR, 2021)
  • More than one million of social media users in Rwanda are youth, where most youth are found on twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube, tik tok, snapchat, whatsapp and etc,(Emmanuel. et al,2021)
  • The population of Rwamagana is mostly young. 65% of the resident population of Rwamagana is under 25 years old, among 313,461 population located in Rwamagana District.(NISR, 2020)
  • In Rwamagana district, unemployment rate (UR) was higher in urban areas (4.7%) than in rural areas (2.8%) (NISR, 2012)
  • So as discussed above, most youth in Rwanda are found in rural areas,where the most social media uses in Rwanda are youth.  We as a group thought about how we can solve the youth unemployment problem

Target Audience/Customers

  • Youth in Rwanda, Eastern province,Rwamagana District
  • starting from 100 youth to access the content 
  • Customer segments: educated youth with at least primary 6 level of education and youth from schools seeking jobs.
  • Only 10 competitive candidates will be selected to attend “ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK” and  100 youth will also be invited in the conference as well as presentation of “ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK” deliverables/projects.

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